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The Tarot with Grace

Spirit Messages

Video Podcast Program

Tarot with Grace: Spirit Messages

Welcome to My New Video Podcast Program

Do you have a question or concern that you’d like intuitive guidance on? Tarot with Grace offers you the opportunity to receive personalized insights in an upcoming episode of Tarot with Grace: Spirit Messages on our YouTube channel.

To participate, simply leave a voice message using the recorder below. I  will use Tarot, channeling, and mediumship—or a combination of these methods—to provide you with the guidance you seek.

Here’s how it works: 

1. Record Your Message below 🎤: Share your question in a voice message, keeping it under 3 minutes.

2. Provide Your Details 🧑🌐 : Include your first name, where you’re from, and your question.

3. Stay Connected ✉️: By providing your email address, you agree to join our newsletter mailing list for updates and additional insights.

What to Expect:

Each week, Grace will select questions from the recordings to answer on the show. This is your chance to receive deep, intuitive guidance tailored to your life. As a thank you for providing your email address, you’ll receive a free Tarot Card Meaning Cheat Sheet!

Tarot with Grace