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Readying for the Light

by | Mar 12, 2021 | Joy Stories, Life Lessons

We have lived a life with circumstances unimaginable to most of us for over a year now…but now, there on the horizon is the light at the end of this tunnel. We see it and we wait with excitement and anxiety about how we’ll reacclimate to this new environment…this new world/time we’re moving into. New, because life will never be the same for any of us, ever again. Collectively and individually we have been transformed in ways that we have yet to fully appreciate. But there is reason to hope again… to look forward to sharing our love for each other again… to breathe again. As we ready ourselves for the new life ahead, we remember the times when we were struck with the truth about what really mattered in our lives after all. We may even feel guilty for the times we think we wasted before we fully appreciated our real priorities… for the times when we put off happiness to that “someday” instead of the present…for the times we foolishly believed we weren’t enough, didn’t do enough, didn’t have enough. But what do you know?… we were, we did, we have. We are enough … and in the days ahead we’ll try to remember the truths that we learned during this time and we’ll be the candle for each other when some light is needed to remind us again.

I came across the following poem and it seems so apropos for this time. Enjoy! ♥