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Soulful Path to Self Love

by | Jan 16, 2024 | Joy Stories, Life Lessons, Mi Abuelita

A Bit of Channeled Wisdom from my Grandmother, Mi Abuelita.

Embark on a journey with me in this blog series as I share channeled dialogues with my beloved Abuelita. These are heartfelt conversations exploring questions, musings, and stories, seeking the radiant wisdom she graciously imparts. We begin with a “Souful Path to Self Love.”

“Abuelita, when I seek guidance from Spirit for my path, what does it truly mean to be told, “Love Yourself?” I already love myself, but the message persists, urging me, “Love Yourself, More.” What lies beneath this guidance?”

Mijita, loving yourself is remembering you’re a piece of the Divine—a sprinkle of love sewn into the very fabric of life. Just like a drop of the ocean remains the ocean, you, Mija, are Love deep down, in every little piece of you. Loving yourself isn’t just knowing it; it’s deciding to live and be that truth every day. Think about it, Querida: Do your actions, choices, and words show love to yourself? Do they honor the love in your heart? Real self-love goes beyond feeling satisfied; it’s embracing and living your true, loving Spirit.

In the busyness of everyday life, your inner love might become a bit lost. It’s important, Mijita, to keep that love in your heart, to remember who you truly are. Living with love and joy in your heart expands your Spirit, liberating you from feeling not good enough and judgment. It brings more kindness, creativity, joy, and self-celebration into your life.

And here’s a little secret about the reason you keep being told to, “Love Yourself, More.” Right now, in the world, there’s a lot of heaviness and difficult, dense energies. Many have forgotten who they really are. Your self-love, is a light in this darkness. Even though the dense energy may seem loud, it’s actually getting smaller. Your self-love doesn’t just affect you; it spreads out, changing the energy around you. Even though the heavy energy feels big and loud, it isn’t sustainable.

Mijita, loving yourself connects you to your soul, your higher self, and where you come from. It changes the world, making people want more peace and love. With others like yourself, a major transformation is happening in the world.

Mi Vida, it’s so important to keep loving yourself, because that’s part of your mission. It’s what you’re here for, you and so many like you—to stay aware and true to the love inside you, the love that you are, the love that you carry. A tipping point will come when everyone wakes up…and there will be no going back. “Love Yourself More” is a little reminder to stay aware, be conscious and to be the peaceful and bright light that you are. It is in remembering and embodying this that you bring more Light to the World. Many like yourself, are beginning to remember this truth.”